About a project

About the client:Hi–Tech Park is a leading IT cluster in Central and Eastern Europe. HTP has 969 residents, among them 107 development centers of foreign corporations. HTP provides residents with minimum taxes, the possibility of free movement of capital, as well as other preferences.

The purpose of the project: To attract new residents, investors, customers, as well as to inform about the activities of the HTP administration.

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Working on the project

HTP website is aimed at 3 groups of users:

  • Potential residents of the Hi-Tech Park;
  • Resident companies of the Hi-Tech Park;
  • Investors and potential customers of the Park's resident companies.

Each group of users solves their tasks on the site. 

Home page

The information on the old version of the main page was arranged in several columns. This complicated the perception. 

In the new version, each block is located separately and performs a specific function.

Block Goal
Header with a button Attract potential residents 
Inform about HTP activities
Quick Search for residents
To help customers and investors with the selection of companies;
Inform about events 
Figures about HTP
Create an image of HTP
Create an image of HTP

What potential residents need:

  1. Get information about HTP preferences;
  2. Learn the algorithm of actions on how to join the HTP;
  3. Send a request.

Old version

In the old version of the site, searching for information from a potential resident took longer. To find out how to join HTP, you had to go to the Registration section. There was no button for an online application. 

New version

The button "Join HTP" was placed in the header of the main page. The user clicks and goes to a page with a step-by-step algorithm of actions. There is also information about benefits, an application form and answers to frequently asked questions. 

What HTP residents need:

  1. Keep up to date with the latest developments;
  2. Track the calendar of events.

Old version

The blocks with news and events were on the same level. The users' attention was unfocused.

New version

The blocks were made more visible with the help of photos and horizontal display. This helps users to concentrate better on the information. The news block is updated frequently, so it was placed at the top of the page.

What investors and potential customers need:

  1. Find companies by filters;
  2. Get contacts of resident companies.

In the new version of the site, the block with residents was taken to the main page and a search field was added. 

Contacts are displayed for each company.


The HTP website attracts new residents, investors, customers, and also informs about the activities of the administration. For potential residents, the site contains an algorithm of actions, information about preferences and an application form. For resident companies – news and calendar of events. For potential investors and customers, a convenient search for residents was placed directly on the main page.

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